Baby’s First Book of 44 Sounds – 44 Sounds Tutorial
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Click to jump to sound types:
Consonants | Digraphs | Short Vowels | Long Vowels | Vowel Diphthongs | Vowels with R
Consonant Sounds
/b/ ball
/h/ hat
/f/ fish
/g/ go
/d/ dog
/j/ jelly
/k/ kite
/l/ lion
/m/ mouth
/s/ snake
/p/ pig
/v/ vase
/n/ nose
/t/ tiger
/r/ rabbit
/w/ web
/y/ yellow
/z/ zebra
Consonant Digraphs
/th/ thumb
/th/ feather
/ng/ ring
/sh/ shoe
/ch/ chick
/zh/ treasure
Short Vowel Sounds
/ӑ/ apple
/ӗ/ elephant
/ ĭ / igloo
/ŏ/ octopus
/ŭ/ umbrella
Long Vowel Sounds
/ē/ eat
/ā/ acorn
/ ī / ice
/ū/ unicorn

/ō/ open
Diphthongs and Special Vowel Sounds
/oo/ book
/o͞o/ moon
/ow/ cow
/oy/ toy
/ar/ star
R-Controlled Vowel Sounds
/air/ airplane
/ear/ ear
/or/ fork
/ir/ bird
/aw/ paw